Hidoba Research

Hidoba Research Press Kit

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2024 Dec: Captcha the Robot is a teacher at the German High School

WhatWe have conducted a first of it’s kind experiment of a robot being a teacher.

Where: Willms Gymnasium, Delmenhorst, Germany.

When: Dec. 17 2024.

What’s different: World’s first robot-teacher that’s not fake (not prerecorded lecture but LLM dynamically adjusting the robot’s speech), according to our research.

What happened:

8:30 AM: Captcha the robot did an interactive lecture called “The difference between how AI thinks and how humans think” during which he asked students a bunch of questions to make sure they understand.

9:00 AM: Captcha talked to the journalists.

10:00 AM: Captcha moderated a debate that had 5 topics:

  • Should AI be allowed to make and spend their own money?
  • Should relationships between people and AI be legalised?
  • Is the world going to end because of AI within 10 years?
  • Who should be help responsible for any crimes committed by an AI: developers, users or AI itself?
  • Does AI help the cause of fake news or make it worse?

For each topic Captcha was an unbiased moderator and judged the ‘For’ and ‘Against’ teams based only on how convincing and structured their logical arguments are.

Other media reporting about us: CNN, Reuters, Tagesshau, Tagesshau 2, NOW, NDR / ARDSat.1 Regional.DE.

Photos and videos: google drive link (CC BY 4.0 license)

2024 Jan: Captcha the Robot  talks to Max Tegmark

In January 2024 Captcha had a brief conversation with an AI safety researcher Max Tegmark at MIT.

Photos and videos (CC BY 4.0 license).

2024 Jan-Feb: Captcha the Robot at trade shows

Captcha has been at several trade shows. Photos and videos (CC BY 4.0 license).